When done right, reading can be akin to spa treatment.
I'm not talking about reading at the bus stop, or finishing up that chapter on your lunch break. I'm talking about the times you have an afternoon free, or when you tell your friends "No, I can't, I have plans." All for the love of a book. A lot of people might think it strange to pass up being social for reading. For all of us introverts out there, though, moments like these are extremely important for our personal care. So check it out! See what can make your next reading session even better than ever!
Rainy days are amazing, second only to snowy days. |
1. Rain
This one isn't really in your control, but that just adds to it's value. Some rainy days you just can't manage to get to yourself. You have to work, get to the grocery store, it's your turn to watch the kids, any number of things may come up that cause you to be out and about while the rain pours down.
Sometimes, though, everything aligns, and you can sit down for an hour or two to read while you listen to the pattering of the rain on your window. The ambient noise can help shut out distracting thoughts for people who can't seem to shut their brain off, like me, and that's essentially what white noise is supposed to do.
According to Dr. Ralph Pascualy, our brains crave input. If we are in a silent room, any small noise our brain will pick up on and cause distraction. Some people enjoy machines just for white noise when it comes to sleeping. For reading, my white noise of choice is, has been, and always will be rain.
2. Tea
If only I had a set of cute tea cups and saucers like that... |
I would say that a nice cup of tea or coffee can really make me feel luxurious, especially when I'm trying to relax. I specifically enjoy Earl Grey. Something about that bergamot flavor and scent just makes me feel like my muscles are all unwinding.
Yes, it's a black tea, and therefore slightly caffeinated, so I try not to drink it in the evening. The same goes for coffee in that respect, but there are plenty of decaffeinated hot beverages out there for you if your prime time reading happens in the evening.
Green tea is full of antioxidants and other health benefits. Supposedly, it improves brain function that can help make you smarter, which may help you notice that the murderer was the butler all along! If you don't want to have strokes of genius before the big plot twist, though... I'd just stick to Earl Grey.
3. Pets
Ember, with yarn on her head. She is such a patient feline. |
I love my cats. I am looking forward to the day I can adopt a dog. Someday I want to have a rat and a snake (though not in the same cage). I love having little friends from other species' around. When I'm feeling ill, my cats cuddle around me and
purr in an attempt to make me feel better. With all of the new research coming out showing the major impacts animals can have on their human friends who need some loving support, it's no wonder that the stress levels of humans lower when they have pets. This is one of the major reasons I'm so grateful to my cats, and why I try to show them how much I appreciate what they do. If that means letting one of them lie on my lap until my legs fall asleep while I read, so be it.
4. Blankets
Vivo on The Vivo Blanket, getting a belly rub |
A couple years ago, my husband got me a fleecy blanket, patterned in a wide plaid with creams and browns. It has affectionately been dubbed "The Vivo Blanket", after our snowshoe Siamese cat of the same colors. He's been asleep on it many times when we've gotten concerned that we haven't seen him in a while and hunted everywhere for him. Camouflage techniques have not been lost on this domesticated kitty.
Anyway, that blanket, along with a quilt my grandmother made me when I was a teenager, are both common choices for me when it's time to curl up with my book of choice. The comfort offered by these blankets that are special to me help cultivate a sense of relaxation and safety, perfect for while I delve into the dangerous unknowns in the pages.
Your blankets don't have to be gifts from someone else, or even something brand new. It could be an old blanket that has offered you comfort, or simply one that you like looking at. Just get yourself comfortable, is my point.
5. A spot that's all your own
This is one of the harder items on this list to manage. Not all of us have this kind of spot. When there are several people in a house, or several animals, or if you're constantly traveling around for work, it can feel like you don't have a comfortable space to be alone. If that's the case, try going someplace else. The local library, for instance, most likely has a comfortable spot to read. You can also try a coffee shop. Both of these places are likely to have people, but they mostly mind their own business. If none of these are available, maybe go sit under a tree you like, or a bench in the park. Just don't do that when it's raining. I'm not responsible if you go out and catch pneumonia because you didn't use common sense. Besides, the pages would get soggy.
Other spaces could include a chair or spot on the couch that is a regular spot for you to sit. It could be a window seat, something I dream about in the house I will someday own. It could be sitting on the ledge of a fireplace, or even on your bed. When you need time for yourself, it's important to have a spot you can go to. These spots can be anywhere and everywhere, anything to everything. It doesn't have to be conventional like these, at all! Maybe you like sitting with your feet in the pool or a creek. Maybe you enjoy sitting on a tree stump. Maybe you like to lounge on the roof. Just be safe, wherever you go.
6. Silence
I'm not meaning scary, total silence where you think a monster is going to jump out at you. I already discussed how helpful white noise can be. What I mean by silence is a lack of other people trying to talk to you. That's hard to avoid, with the modern expectation that people always be available. Between cell phones, Facebook, Instagram, Skype, Snapchat, and email, how exactly are you supposed to avoid people talking to you?
Simply turn your phone off. If you're expecting an important call, obviously, don't do that. But trust me, the world can go an hour or two without having you at it's beck and call. It's alright for you to disconnect and take time for yourself. If there are others in your house, let them know that you are going to read and need to be left alone. If it helps, designate a special time. For instance, every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:00-9:00, you read and need to be left alone. Give that a shot and see how effective it is for you.
7. Focus
Tell me if you've ever had this experience.
You're reading a book. Suddenly, you realize you don't know what's happened on the last page you read. You have to go back and reread it. I've read entire chapters that way. Or you suddenly realize you've read the same line over and over again. Also something I have done.
My point is, if you're tired, you need sleep. Not to read. Yes, we've all stayed up way past our bedtimes, maybe even all night, to finish that really entrancing book. I am familiar with that, and it's alright to do, but only every once in a while. If you're about to sit down to read a few chapters, though, and you've been exhausted all day, maybe what you need is a nap. The book will still be there when you wake up, and you'll be able to enjoy it even more.
If you can create a combination of these, or maybe even all of them, it would be practically perfect. Homogeneous to heaven. Simply supreme.
Ok, I'm done with the alliteration now. Is there anything I left out? What makes a perfect reading session for you? Comment below!